Friday, January 1, 2010

as the sun sets

Wow. I found daily perspective every day for 365 days in 2009. As the sun sets on the first day of this new year, I sit here thinking back and looking forward. Thinking back, I realize how many new things I saw and how much I learned because of this daily perspective. Aside from the exposure of my laziness and lack of discipline and the occasional internet (or lack there of) annoyances, this little project has been nothing but encouraging for me and truly has influenced my perspective. Looking forward and after much thought, I have decided to continue this blog as a daily photo blog in 2010. I will change the way I approach the photos just a bit (more explanation soon), but aside from that nothing else will change this year.

Many congrats to the rest of you 365ers!!! And thanks to all of my friends, family, and fellow bloggers who have voted, commented and supported me through this! Without many of you, accomplishing this would have been a much greater challenge.

Happy New Year! 2010? Bring it on.


Steph said...

I think this one is my all-time favorite so far. I LOVE IT.

Unknown said...

Well done Laura!

I am really glad you are continuing with the project.


susanvg said...

Lovely shot - the contrast of outdoors and indoors is great.

DaddyNoBucks said...

Congratulations on completing the journey. I've enjoyed your work!

Tim Dustrude said...

Congrats! What a year, huh? Good luck with 2010! Great photo today - I love that glow around the window...